Hi There!
I’m sarai

A little about me…

I am fourteen years old. I have lived in Georgia all of my life so far. I have an awesome little sister, Kai, and two amazing parents.

I am in the 9th grade (it’s not easy 😂) and, to add to my unique lifestyle, I’m a homeschooler. I’m different – and I like it.

God has made each of us wonderfully unique and for a specific purpose so all of us are going to be different in many ways, and that is more than ok – it is by God’s design.

Now that you know a little bit about me, you might be wondering, how did I get here?

When I was ten years old, God gave me a passion to draw closer to Him. I started to take my faith in Jesus seriously. 

You know how there are two different meanings when you say you follow Jesus? One is how you say “I follow Jesus” but don’t take going to church seriously, you don’t read your Bible, you don’t pray, etc. 

The other is where you do the things I listed – you read your Bible and begin to learn about God. You learn who Jesus really is and what His heart is towards you. You pray and talk to God consistently. It’s just like when you meet someone for the first time. You know their name, you see them around, but one day you start a conversation. You learn more about them, and before long, you have developed a close relationship with them, that you can now call them friend.

I went from knowing God, to being in relationship with God. Have you had that experience?

As a young person who is a Christian, it can be challenging sometimes. We live in a culture that is moving far from God, but I want to encourage you to be a child of God that will stand confidently and fearlessly for God.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I am a Christian YouTuber which you can find me at Generation of Young Believers (come join the family! ).
  • I am forever a Chipotle and Coldstone fan. All I wear, for the most part, is jeans and my Christian shirts or hoodies with a nice pair of sneakers. (Can’t forget my beauties 😝)
  • I enjoy learning in school, playing the piano, spending time with my sister, Kai, and our goldendoodle, Spice.
  • I’m in Beta Club. I love serving in my community and traveling the world! I hope you stay along for the ride because it is bound to be an amazing one with Jesus!
  • Hobbies: Reading & writing books, singing, songwriting, and filming for my YouTube channel.

New Book!

McVee & The Spirit